
School counselors are heroes; here’s why

The American Academy: Our Beginnings

Get Your Students Prepared For Life After Graduation

Helping Educators Identify At-Risk Students

You Can Never "Time-Out" of Education

Counselors Are Being Overwhelmed Nationwide

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Look for the leading indicators.

One District, Nine Graduates

Why headsets are the secret to getting students back to school

Here’s why multiple layers of support are vital for at-risk student success

Why 3 a.m. “dots” are so important to us.

Twenty Minutes....

How is ScholarCentric different from what you may be doing in your school today?

Are social-emotional indicators being “hidden behind Spring fever”? Here’s how to find out.

What’s the purpose of education? That’s not as simple a question as it seems.

‘It’s hard’ but working together, we can help students develop vital life skills

Goal-setting is hard for many students, but it couldn’t be more important.

How to know a student will drop out — three years ahead

Two reliable tips for early identification of at-risk students

Are D grades a dropout warning sign? It depends.

The One Vital Indicator of a Dropout that Almost No One Tracks

These five early warning signs can help prevent students from dropping out

What’s the right way to find lost dropouts? Knowing there’s no one right way.

When it takes more than Google to find dropouts

Are your schools ‘branding’ themselves in the right way?

Want to tell great student success stories? Build connections

Stuck ‘Inside the Box’ When It Comes to Dropouts, Most School Districts Are Leaving a Lot of State Funding on the Table

One Simple Tip for Bringing Disengaged Students Back To School — And It Doesn’t Cost A Penny

For More Than a Decade, Most Schools Have Been Ignoring the One Thing That Could Substantially Impact Graduation Numbers

A Vocal Administrator Got Us Thinking About ‘Good’ And ‘Bad’ Graduation Rates. Here’s What We Learned.

Keep Students Engaged Through Graduation with a Rewards Program

Students Want to Graduate, So Let’s Enable Them

Best Strategies for Contacting Hard-To-Reach Students

Three Recruitment Challenges Dropout Re-Engagement Programs Must Overcome

Serving At Risk Students: Sooner is Better than Later

How Dropout Recovery Programs Help

The True Cost of High School Dropouts

The National High School Dropout Problem

Supporting Multiple Pathways to Success

Flexibility, Accountability and Support for Dropout Recovery

GRADUATION ALLIANCE works to provide school districts the resources, support and flexibility needed to assist all students in reaching their educational goals. If your district needs help with a dropout recovery program and/or social and emotional learning assessments, email us at:

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