
Serving At Risk Students: Sooner is Better than Later

Posted by Greg Harp on March 23, 2017

When a school district successfully intervenes and changes the course of an at-risk student, it benefits the community in multiple ways.

student-1647136_1280.jpgThat’s why hundreds of state and local secondary school leaders partner with us to implement dropout recovery and alternative programming solutions. We work together to provide targeted academic support and personalized learning experiences, paired with the social-emotional support many at-risk and non-traditional students require in order to stay on track for graduation and successfully transition to life after high school.

We know your passion aligns with the success of each child in your district. As you've worked to implement dropout recovery programs in your schools, you have probably come to realize there can be myriad costs for activities such as the leasing of school facilities and office space; the purchasing, warehousing and distributing of curriculum; and the hiring of credentialed teachers.

We know it can be a heavy load and that funding sources are often unpredictable. This is where a partnership with Graduation Alliance can help. We find and recover your out-of-school students. We take care of the online curriculum and technology components. We provide multiple layers of support. We have the same goal as you do — reduce high school dropout rates and see students succeed.

Graduation Alliance’s Dropout Recovery Program is flexible to meet your needs. We can help you combat the various budget scenarios that may arise during the course of an academic year. We are also able to step in to ensure you are providing the skills your students need to graduate and thrive.

This is not just about diplomas.  Employability skills for your students, including valuable certifications leading to their successful entry into the workforce, can be part of a dropout recovery program that we will custom design for you. Courses like our digital literacy and career development curriculum are embedded into our program and can be utilized to complement your own district’s offerings.

Ensuring the success of our students today is the best insurance policy for tomorrow.

GRADUATION ALLIANCE works to provide school districts the resources, support and flexibility needed to assist all students in reaching their educational goals. If your district needs help with a dropout recovery program and/or social and emotional learning assessments, email us at:

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