
Are your schools ‘branding’ themselves in the right way?

Posted by Greg Harp on June 12, 2017

Side view of a group of young students writing notes in the classroom.jpeg

First impressions are lasting impressions. And when it comes to connecting with graduates in a way that makes it easier to monitor longitudinal outcomes (and easier to recover students who leave before graduation, too) lasting impressions are vital.

So how do you start building those sorts of impressions? By thinking about a school’s “brand.”

Many people tend to think about branding as a way to sell things. Really, it’s about creating concrete images, ideas and feelings. And if you want students to feel a long-term connection to their school, that idea should be embedded in your brand.

One of the easiest ways to get started is to consider a school’s slogan or motto. Here are a few school slogans that help set the expectation that a student’s connection to his or her school won’t end when they leave campus:

  • “Here for our students — today and every day to come”
  • “Committed to improving our students’ lifelong well-being”
  • “Your school community now — and always.”

The importance of creating a brand that is inclusive of the idea of long-term commitment to students is one of eight strategies offered in Graduation Alliance’s latest guide, “Building Connections for Long-term Student Engagement.” For a free copy, click here.

Building Connections for Long-Term S

GRADUATION ALLIANCE works to provide school districts the resources, support and flexibility needed to assist all students in reaching their educational goals. If your district needs help with a dropout recovery program and/or social and emotional learning assessments, email us at:

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