Download Our Dropout Recovery Guide: "Building Connections for Long-Term Student Engagement"

8 Practices to Stay Connected

As more communities come to see the need for dropout recovery programs, and as more education leaders embrace long-term qualitative and quantitative information as part of a more comprehensive formula for assessing true school effectiveness, school leaders across the nation have told Graduation Alliance they would like to be better at being able to engage former students.

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Since 2007, Graduation Alliance has worked with hundreds of school districts to locate, re-enroll, re-engage and educate disengaged students. In doing so, we have studied a vast number of student record systems, and have explored dozens of approaches to finding and connecting with students.

In our latest guide, “Building Connections for Long-term Student Engagement” we offer eight practices that can help schools stay better connected to former students.




Right away, this program was really helpful for me. I had teachers I could talk to, email, talk on the phone with. I got to work with some really great people...They never turned me away. I really learned how to trust people.

- Lana, high school graduate