
Get Your Students Prepared For Life After Graduation

Posted by Greg Harp on August 29, 2018

happy graduation student full of success outdoors

Earn industry credentials that can help lead to careers.

We love it when our students complete the audacious journey from high school dropout to college graduate, as so many have.

However, for other students in our dropout recovery programs they just aren’t in a position to attend a four-year university. For these young men and women, a high school diploma is a tremendous success. But that doesn’t mean it’s where their journey should end.

That’s why students enrolled in Graduation Alliance’s dropout recovery initiatives can also earn industry-recognized credentials that will help them get jobs as a home caregiver, construction apprentice, logistics technician and more. These programs come at no additional cost to them or their districts.

“We love helping students get prepared to go to college,” Graduation Alliance chief academic officer Rebekah Richards said. “But there’s a large number of students for whom college simply isn’t an option. They deserve just as much guidance and training to prepare and be successful in their post-high-school lives.”

This benefit is just one of many ways in which Graduation Alliance is helping offer opportunities to students who want to improve their lives. Want to know more about what Graduation Alliance is doing, and what it might be able to do in your community? Click here to learn more.

Topics: Education, dropout prevention, college and career readiness

GRADUATION ALLIANCE works to provide school districts the resources, support and flexibility needed to assist all students in reaching their educational goals. If your district needs help with a dropout recovery program and/or social and emotional learning assessments, email us at:

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