
How to know a student will drop out — three years ahead

Posted by Rebekah Richards on October 9, 2017

Jessica was a straight-A student. She always attended school. Her behavior was excellent.

But we knew she was at risk of dropping out.


We knew before her teachers knew. We knew before her parents knew. We even knew before Jessica knew.


How? Because Jessica’s school district had collected some vital pieces of information from all of its students — using that data from ScholarCentric’s assessment to formulate an “academic risk index” —  we were able to correctly predict that Jessica was at-risk of not completing high school.


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And Jessica did struggle. But thanks to the information we’d provided her district, she had already been offered additional support services that helped her stay on track to graduate. In essence, she had been inoculated against the risk.


Would you like to learn more about how to inoculate your students against dropping out? In our latest infographic Get to Know Your Students, we’ve highlighted how an assessment, validated by more than 20 years of research, is helping educators identify at-risk students — even before the symptoms show up in attendance, behavior, and credits. With that information on hand, you can provide the support students need to stay on track.


Because once you know, you can do something. 

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Topics: dropout prevention, indicators of students at-risk

GRADUATION ALLIANCE works to provide school districts the resources, support and flexibility needed to assist all students in reaching their educational goals. If your district needs help with a dropout recovery program and/or social and emotional learning assessments, email us at:

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