
Greg Harp

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The National High School Dropout Problem

Posted by Greg Harp on February 27, 2017

In a 2014 article, Politico gleefully proclaimed that the national graduation rate could hit 90% by 2020.

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Supporting Multiple Pathways to Success

Posted by Greg Harp on February 13, 2017

One of the best books I’ve read in the past two years is Robert Putnam’s Our Kids.  Putnam deals head-on with the emerging “opportunity gap” in America.  He offers a personal and authoritative look at this new American crisis, beginning with the example of his high school class of 1959 in Port Clinton, Ohio.

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Flexibility, Accountability and Support for Dropout Recovery

Posted by Greg Harp on January 30, 2017

Graduation Alliance helps thousands of school leaders across the nation provide the flexibility, accountability and support students need to get to graduation and move on to college and careers. 

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GRADUATION ALLIANCE works to provide school districts the resources, support and flexibility needed to assist all students in reaching their educational goals. If your district needs help with a dropout recovery program and/or social and emotional learning assessments, email us at:

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