Download Our Dropout Recovery eBook: "The Problem Is Real"

Every District Can Benefit From Dropout Recovery — Here's Why

Thank you for you interest in our latest report, “The Problem Is Real: Why Districts With ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Graduation Rates Alike Need Dropout Recovery, and What it Takes to Make it Work.”

eBook April 2017-865006-edited.jpgThe report makes the case that every school leader has a role to play in helping disengaged students to re-engage. It argues that no single dropout prevention or recovery strategy is enough. It also covers the steps district leaders can — and should — take to make sure they have a recovery program that is inviting, inspiring and effective.

Here’s what it won’t do: It won’t tell you that Graduation Alliance is your only hope when it comes to dropout recovery. Of course we’d love to work with you, but first and absolutely foremost we want to inspire you to continue to do great things on behalf of at-risk students in your community.

To receive a copy of the report, just fill out this form.



Right away, this program was really helpful for me. I had teachers I could talk to, email, talk on the phone with. I got to work with some really great people...They never turned me away. I really learned how to trust people.

- Lana, high school graduate