Download Our Student Re-engagement Must-haves Checklist

No Recovery Program is Complete Without These 10 Essentials!

young graduates students group  standing in front of university building on graduation day-909161-edited.jpeg

Re-engaging students who drop out is a complex and challenging process. To be effective, a dropout recovery program should secure the support of the family, friends, and community members who surround these disengaged youth. But such support is not always possible.  Does your dropout recovery program have what it takes to be successful? Download a copy of our Student Re-engagement Checklist to learn the top 10 components your program must include.

Step 1:

Fill out the form for a free download!



Right away, this program was really helpful for me. I had teachers I could talk to, email, talk on the phone with. I got to work with some really great people...They never turned me away. I really learned how to trust people.

- Lana, high school graduate